How do top students study?

I will share some tactics as to how I was able to not only be an A-student in university, but simultaneously have enough time for fitness, a social life, family and starting my own business on the side.

These are a few ‘hacks’ to becoming a top student. It doesn’t require too much time and effort, but rather ‘smart’ work.
1. Use flashcards - there is truly no better way to memorize and test yourself than with flashcards.
Whether it is memorizing french verbs, finance formulas or historic dates, flashcards are your best friend.
The reason most people don’t utilize them is the initial effort it takes to write them. However, they allow you to memorize stuff in a ridiculously short period of time and you can take them anywhere with you.
2. Use the Pomodoro technique
Study in intervals. While you may think studying 3 consecutive hours is effective, all you’re really causing is your brain getting too tired too fast and ironically, the most ineffective way to retain new information.
Instead, study for about 30 mins., take a 10 minute break and repeat.
3. Teach someone else
The absolute best way to ensure that you actually know the material fully, is to teach it to someone else. This will reveal your blindspots and possible questions someone may ask will prove helpful in getting to know the material even further. And as Einstein once said, 'If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.'
4. Get enough sleep
With this very simple habit - going to bed on time - you will not only become a vastly better student, but your overall life WILL improve. You will be a lot more energetic, retain and process information better, crave less sugar + junk food and actually appear more attractive :)
5. Be alert in class
This is one of those ‘work smart, not hard’ tips. If you actually got enough sleep the night before, eat healthy, have sustainable energy levels and make it an effort to be present and focused during lecture, you will save a TON of time because you have a grasp of the material and can ask questions while in class to understand it better. As a result, you don’t have to spend as much time reviewing and visiting your professor after class.
6. BONUS: Supplement correctly
Try the first 5 tactics and ONLY then, should you add this bonus. Supplements won’t help you become an A student if you aren’t getting any sleep and don’t have proper study strategies.
However, if you are looking to optimize your memory and cognitive functions, supplement with fish oil, vitamin D, zinc, ginko biloba and/or other nootropics (such as Alphabrain). This is especially useful during exam periods.
Good luck and remember to study SMART not just HARD ;)


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