What is date of relieving?

Capgemini joining date 2017

Capgemini joining date 2017 is random and is based on the batches they pick. Usually selected candidates are made into batches based on various points like background or skills etc. So, one can get in touch with their corresponding HR to get clear info about the same.
Joining date is the date that an employer fixes for the joining of a candidate in the company either as a fresher or experienced. It is on this date that the usual formalities get done and induction will take place.
On the other hand date of reliving is the day on which your service ends with the reliving company. If you are one planning for a new company, make sure that your joining date of the new company is later to the reliving date of the current company. Never compromise with the date of joining of the new company with the date of reliving of the current company. Any overlaps will lead to consequences that may turn difficult to handle while leaving you in trouble.
If the above scenario fails, then it gets the impact on salary paid by either of the companies. Also this would impact the future new employment opportunities. Make sure to be doubly checked of the details correctly mentioned in your reliving letter as this holds great importance in your future employment. Also the reliving letter from your first company till your most recent employment are important as unlike few companies many MNC’s like TCS, Infosys go for a background check of all your employment period from the day you started your career. So any concerns will leave the employer a good chance to reject or drop you from the recruitment process.


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