The concept “mental illness” was invented by Psychiatry. Psychiatry—AND the BELIEF THEREIN—- is THE most incurable mental disease which ever existed, and so no, since Psychiatry thus far cannot be cured any more than Kings and Kingdoms throughout history and their true believers, followers, or “groupies” or the corruption of power according to the level of power can be cured.
The concept of “mental illness” has yet to be proven to a scientific standard. Claims such as those from Daniel Amen that brain scans can diagnose so called mental illness and focus treatments have also yet to be proven scientifically. What can be proven to a scientific, replicatable certainty is that the corruption of Psychiatry today is through the Pharmaceutical Industry and its own corruptive practices, which skews drug safety and efficacy testing to that which their business interests dictate, not which science dictates.
In case people forgot what composes scientific inquiry and proof, the scientific method uses experimentation:1)create a hypothesis;2)conduct an experiment designed to test the truth of that hypothesis;3)carry out said experiment;4)collect data therefrom and arrive at a conclusion INCLUSIVE OF TAKING INTO ACCOUNT VARIABLES THAT CAN AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF YOUR CONCLUSION. Now let me describe just where Psychiatry fails to adhere to this rigor:a)The “hypotheses” in Psychiatry are that the different labels are in fact distinct “mental illnesses” with suitably distinct causes;b)Psychiatry has never conducted one single experiment designed to test the validity of any such label or description, nor has it designed a single experiment to test the validity of the concept of “mental illness”;c)Observational bias and selection bias are never taken into account in evaluation of the validity of Psychiatric diagnoses;d)VARIABLES are NEVER taken into account by Psychiatrists in arriving at conclusions, or diagnoses, about patients;d)Predetermined dogma, ie, the labels used by Psychiatry as part of its belief system, are NEVER so much as questioned by Psychiatrists when alternative MEDICAL explanations for symptoms they see as “mental illness” are provided. No honest physician would ever do this. The most Psychiatry does is proclaim about the patient “oh, he (or she) has a COMORBID condition.” Psychiatry operates on mythology and fear;take away these elements, and the Emperor is seen as he is, ie, to “have no clothes.”
Thomas Szasz, MD, was a Psychiatrist who pointed out the simple fact that semantically the term “mental illness” is also not valid:the “mind” is an abstraction, and abstractions cannot be “diseased”—only organs and tissues of the body can be diseased. Of course this has given rise to the proclamation that “mental illness” is equivalent to, involves, or represents “brain disease.” To date there is no proof of this whatsoever. I’m talking about proof to a scientific standard, not correlative, not something that looks like it could be proof, but proof that has withstood the rigors of scientific inquiry, including notably REPLICATABILITY.
The irony which Psychiatry puts forth is that while it well recognizes addiction caused by street drugs and alcohol, it refuses to recognize the addiction, disease, and death it routinely causes by its own drug prescriptions. But, since Psychiatrists are masters at using circular reasoning, this too is easily dodged by this dodgy profession.
Children are more likely to be taken away from their families today vis-a-vis the phenomenon of “medical kidnaping”, which uses the business middle men of CPS and judges to broker children legally out to for profit foster home businesses. Psychiatry features prominently in such activities as well. Government sponsored “education” programs which promote the diagnosis of mental illness in and to schools are part of this phenomenon. It is most dangerous to be a child in 2016 in the United States of America, because you have CPS, the mental illness industry and lobby, financial pressures on the family, divorce that is common, all contributing to the sucky nature of being a child today. But Psychiatrists have the answer:drug them silly, diagnose them in INFANCY in some instances, pull them away from their parents, tell them they must be on medication the rest of their lives, and generally destroy their self esteem and chance to become productive citizens due to propaganda that fulfills the philosphic and power driven needs of their profession—all because Psychiatrists are happy to have more power and influence behind their naked and scientifically bankrupt belief system.
Yet, the true believers in “mental illness” prefer to indulge this luxury, and most of them are adults. The media for some reason prefers to be complicit in this mythology, attributing every violent act to mental illness, and will not tell us that most of the most prominent mass shooters of recent times were on Psychotropic drugs when they committed their violent acts. “Go figure.”


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