Who said that you are intelligent?
If you think that you are intelligent, you perhaps think that you are intelligent because you have good memory, and you may have excelled in repeating what you have memorized.
My friend that is not intelligence. It is just an ability to recall.
In the brain we have the front part which is called the prefrontal cortex, and its duty is discrimination.
Real intelligent people are those who can use this part of the brain to analyze algorithmically the sequence of incidents like what happens if I do not work hard or not pay attention in my class?
On the other hand, many of us use the limbic lobe (emotional brain) which always thinks of security, pleasure, and how to be disease-free. Steadily we become addicted to them and continued engagement with these thoughts give rise to a kind of fear in us. Fear of losing out, fear of loss of health, fear of loss of love, fear of becoming poor, fear of not gaining pleasure etc.
You may consider yourself intelligent, but if you are in the grip of the limbic lobe you become an emotional slave. A slave to security, pleasure and objects. All these fears end up putting you in a psychological condition called phobia. When you are phobic, you lose the spark to study and work hard. You prefer to escape from the situation as fear does not allow us to focus on the requisite task.
There is a HPA axis in the brain which is stimulated by fear and puts the body into an overdrive, where cortisol and adrenaline are released in excess. Cortisol joins the blood directly and disrupts the normal mechanism of the body as it tries to declare emergency in the body. Adrenaline is released through nerves and increases the heart rate and blood pressure.
Glucose level rises because you are meeting a situation which threatens your life itself and it says either you fight or run away from the situation.
After a bout of stress and anxiety, you lose your energy. You feel lazier and you are easily distracted.
You are the author of your condition. Use your prefrontal cortex and start analyzing the situation. If somebody scolds you, you say, “I will reply to you tomorrow.” If you see yourself procrastinating for weeks, ask yourself.
Use your algorithmic sequence and analyse what is the end result of seeking objects, security and pleasure! Is there any object that stays with you permanently and gives you permanent happiness?
Become discriminative and analyse your actions. Try to become less addicted to objects, immediate achievements, and never become a hypochondriac. Then your health improves.
You can achieve everything if you analyse and observe your thoughts. The cross -thoughts that appear randomly will make you sick. Observe the thoughts. You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts belong to you. You are the owner of the thoughts. Consider your thoughts as your servant. You won’t listen to your servant and the servant is supposed to serve you. You are not supposed to serve your servant.
When you can stop your cross-thoughts that appear randomly, you have achieved what you are supposed to achieve. All your lethargy will disappear. You will emerge a hero!
Thank you,
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